It’s a Jungle out there … O P E N for biz?

Last week, I took a vacation in Mexico during COVID. I have never been so excited to relax on vacay in my life. I was in Tulum exactly.

After a few days at the resort, we were driving to the beach where they filmed the Corona Beer commercials. On the drive, passing by resort after resort, each entrance was very ornate. Large pillars, waterfalls and massive signs in gold or blue. At night, it was like a drive through Atlantis in The Yellow Submarine. During the day,  if the Las Vegas Strip was in a tropical jungle, it would most likely look like Tulum. The names are also impressive, such as the place we stayed. It’s called Grand Royal Tulum. For an all-inclusive, it was A+.

Back home, the city has been going through some major transformations, so when the opportunity to go to Mexico came up, I jumped on it.

“But how can you leave the city when shit is blowing up?” I thought to myself.  My happy self said, “It ain’t going anywhere, it will all be here when you get back. Taking a vacation is good for you.”

As the salty waves slap my back, making me loose my balance, I talk to a group of nice people from Michigan, they had the same sentiment. “I’m not going to let people make me feel bad about taking a vacation.” One sweet gal said, “I’m a nurse and I’ve been working hard.”

The fish were seriously so close to me it was freaking me out, I move closer to the Michiganians for protection. I lick my lips and taste the salty clear blue water. “Why would we be judged for taking a vacation?” I muttered out loud to myself hoping they don’t hear me.  I believe that everyone deserves a break no matter what job or where you are in your life.

Back to the whole resort entrance thing. Your face, your attitude, your words are your personal entrance. A vacation allows you to clean it off, see more clearly and prioritize what is important.

Now that I am back in the city, feeling optimistic I am seeing tons of O P E N signs, not to mention blue skies.

What does your business O P E N sign say?

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