5 Biggest Mistakes I see on Lawyer Websites…

5 Biggest Mistakes I see on Lawyer Websites…

1/ Email addresses just lying around on the site.All inquiries should go to a contact form.2/ URL or web address with two or more last names that no one can spell.Use your critical thinking. Be a brand.3/ Talking only about yourself on the homepage.It should be about how you can elevate others and solve problems.4/ … Continue reading 5 Biggest Mistakes I see on Lawyer Websites…

Don’t Hire The Design Boutique … Hah Hah!

Don’t Hire The Design Boutique … Hah Hah!

Spread the love, Robyn! Come on! The reality is that each Family Law Firm is different. Different people, different values. We can work with multiple law firms in the same area. The Innovative Law Firm of Hart Ginney takes the fear out of divorce. We take the fear out your website. Ready to embarce online … Continue reading Don’t Hire The Design Boutique … Hah Hah!

Why does digital currency even matter?

Why does digital currency even matter?

Blockchain and Crypto are on the leading edge.  Does your marketing strategy use the most current forms of technology for your success? 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine like Google Google (+ Google Images) currently hold 91% of the total search engine market 60% of B2B marketers stated that SEO and organic … Continue reading Why does digital currency even matter?

It’s not the great resignation, it’s the great discontent! // How to keep your employees engaged!

It’s not the great resignation, it’s the great discontent! // How to keep your employees engaged!

How do you build a great team and make sure they don’t leave once they are trained and ready to rock? 72% of the American workforce is highly stressed right now. 42% of people say they leave the job because of how they feel about the boss and organization. People don’t leave companies, they leave … Continue reading It’s not the great resignation, it’s the great discontent! // How to keep your employees engaged!